Old School Cool: Ski Maps

With Jack Frost peeping around the corner, I have one thing on the brain; mountains. Though I don’t consider myself an athlete, I do have an affinity for, you guessed it, ski maps. And, oh, how far they’ve come...as mountains have grown over time, so have the maps.

Ski maps today have come a long way from their original form, with apps to measure your speed, distance, and track your location. But, there is something to be said for the nostalgic blast from the past holding a paper map (ahem) gives you. Discovery Map knows a thing or two about paper maps, and certainly about ski destinations, considering some of our locations are in prime ski-territory. Below you’ll travel back in time to view the evolution of ski maps, and don’t worry; it’s all downhill from here:

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Traveling with Pets: The Lodging experience

Before lining up lodging for you and your pet, the Map Geek suggests you read Traveling with Pets Part One: Hitting the Road. There’s no point in booking a stay somewhere if traveling there is going to be a bust. Sometimes, however, you must travel. What if you have to relocate halfway across the country? So if you have a pet, read on because you never know when you might have to pull up roots and find a cozy place to sleep along the way.

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Traveling with Pets: Hitting the road

As the days grow longer and the number of COVID cases decline, many of us have our sights on spring and summer travel. Some people have already started to pack up the car and take off for outdoor adventures whether they’re headed for the snow or the sand. Indeed, there’s rumbling afoot and people are once again seriously considering travel. We all know what it takes to be safe and by following the key precautionary measures recommended by the CDC and more people vaccinated against this coronavirus, prospects of changing up the scenery grow more promising every day.

With travel comes the question: do we bring our pet or have him or her stay home (or at a kennel or with a trusted friend). That’s the first thing you should ask yourself when considering travel with your cat or dog or in some cases, cats and dogs. (They are best in pairs, aren’t they?)

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Diversity in Discovery Map Destinations: Honoring Asian Americans

As part of our ongoing series that celebrates the diversity across America and beyond within our Discovery Map destinations, it seems appropriate to salute Asian people at this time. The Chinese New Year is Friday, February 12 this year and we are smack dab in the period of the new moon, which this year begins January 21 and ends February 20. Also called the Lunar New Year, this period marks the first moon of the lunisolar calendars, which are regulated by the cycles of the moon and sun.

Not all Asian people are Chinese, although a good number of them are, which partly explains why Chinese New Year is a big deal to many. Other countries also celebrate the Chinese New Year, including Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea and the Philippines. And you don’t have to be of Asian origin to embrace this holiday time or to appreciate the Asian-influenced food, art and cultural offerings that so many of us enjoy throughout the year.

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Travel Trends 2021

Happy new year to all! With a new year comes thoughts of realizing hopes and dreams, and often that happens through travel. Yes, we’re still in a global pandemic and our world – whether in the United States or beyond – sometimes feels downright crazy. But this ironically fuels both a desire to hunker in and batten down the hatches and alternatively to take flight. Most of us have been juggling this juxtaposition since last March yet with the COVID-19 vaccine being rolled out all over the globe, people are gearing up to head out and spread their wings. Whether plans are being made for this spring or next fall, there’s definitely a lot of pent up energy that needs to be released in terms of travel.

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Diversity in Discovery Map Destinations: Honoring Hispanic People

Part Three: Honoring Hispanic People

In the Map Geek’s last blog, Diversity in Discovery Map Destinations: Honoring Native Americans, the post ended with highlighting the rich Native American culture that’s still very much alive today in New Mexico. So this seems like a good place to start for this story.

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Diversity in Discovery Map Destinations: Honoring Native Americans

Part Two: Honoring Native Americans

As you savor spoonfuls of turkey soup and the last nibbles of pumpkin pie, The Map Geek would like to bring to your attention some of the highlights of Native American culture located within our Discovery Map destinations.

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Pondering Celestial Maps and Astronomical Charts

With all that has been happening in the world these past months, we could do as the ancients did and look to the night skies for answers. Many cultures, in fact, continue traditions, founded in millennia, of turning to the heavens for guidance.

“Early studies of the sky provided stability and structure to social and political organizations,” Dr. Edwin C. Krupp, a preeminent “archaeoastronomer,” was quoted as saying in a Nautilus magazine article. “A perfect example of this is the emperor in ancient China, who was regarded as the primary intermediary between Earth and the divine force in heaven. The emperor is sacred, and that stabilized and protected the way that the Chinese culture allowed itself to be governed, he continued.” The Map Geek has recently become hooked on the Netflix series “The Crown,” which infers a similar connection between the sovereign and the divine. If you were to look at pretty much every culture throughout the ages, you’ll find some measure of desire to link themselves with heaven.

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Mapping out Halloween

Have you figured out what you’re doing this year for Halloween? The Map Geek predicts that all is aligned to create a spooky good time. First of all, October 31st lands on a Saturday, which always means a celebration of sorts. Plus, there will be a full moon and a blue moon; the latter means that it’s the second full moon in a calendar month. Both rank as rare occurrences. (How many full moons do you recall on Halloween, let alone a blue one, which typically appears extra large and casts a ghoulish blue glow?) It’s also the night when we “fall back” the clocks. To top that off, 2020 has been so bizarre that who isn’t looking to have fun? We’ve already had the heck scared out of us!

Whether you’re young or old, there are plenty of ways to cut loose and express your creativity on this All Hallow’s Eve. And since many already packed on some COVID pounds, a little more extra candy will likely go unnoticed. The Map Geek has unearthed (uh-oh, doesn’t that already make you think of a graveyard?) a cauldron-sized collection of maps that will help you celebrate this popular holiday in a safe and unique manner.

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Diversity in Discovery Map Destinations

Part One: Honoring African American Culture

Discovery Map International salutes the great diversity of our more than 130 destinations within the United States, Canada and Mexico. In view of all that has been happening in our world these past months, the Map Geek thought it would be a good idea to create a series of posts that highlight some of the Black and Brown art, heritage and culture offerings within many of our Discovery Map destinations.

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