Shawn & Vanessa Bannon, Discovery Map of Red Bank

For more information about advertising and distribution, please contact:

 Shawn & Vanessa Bannon

 Discovery Map of Red Bank

 +1 732-245-1368

The Bannons are longtime residents of the Sandy Hook/Red Bank area. Shawn is a business development executive in the healthcare industry, Vanessa a stay-at-home mother of two who has been very active in the community with the Girl Scouts and her daughter’s school PTA.

“We had been thinking about a possible business that I could do and work in with our kids’ school schedule. So that was front of mind. Then we kept coming across Discovery Map on our family vacations. So, we called Peter at Discovery Map to see what was in our area. Our thought was I’m already reaching out to businesses in the area for donations and sponsorships for my work with the Scouts and the school. How different could this be?” said Vanessa.

Added Shawn, “After talking to the team up in Vermont, the Discovery Map offered so much upside from taking advantage of the contacts we already had in the business community and the upside to the seasonal nature of producing the map to the modest initial investment and the ROI. It just made too much sense. Plus, it’s something we can get our two children involved with—at least distribution-wise—and maybe even involve Vanessa’s Brownie troop.”

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