Stone Soup is committed to breaking down social barriers like class, race, ability and age, in order to create a beloved community and build solidarity. Our Community Meal provides access to delicious, nutritious, scratch-cooked, balanced meals every Saturday to any and all of our community members on a pay-what-you-can basis. The Café serves between 450 - 500 meals each Saturday. The Café’s food philosophy is probably why our meals have become a popular draw to our community. When we sit down together and share a meal we become a beloved community – a family who shares times of celebration and tradition.

Stone Soup Culinary Institute strives to offer more equitable access to career training and economic opportunity to people seeking a new career path, especially those who are seeking employment after a period of incarceration or recovery from addiction. SSCI formalizes the decade of experience that the Café has in training volunteers to carry out the fundamentals of food preparation into a free 12-week course. 

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