In 2013, amidst a frenzy of scribbled out drawings on napkins, a loose business plan in a google doc, many lists of names/color schemes/logo sketches, and lots of coffee tasting, our first coffee shop (North Perk Coffee) was born.  Like so many ventures, it took a leap of faith (would it work?) and confidence (an English degree is kind of like a business degree!?) but stepping out onto the ledge has been so, so worth it. Through coffee, we have been able to carve out a life in the best place on earth.  A life that encompasses hard work, passion, people, travel and early mornings.  Our goal from day one has been to serve and prepare excellent coffee in a warm, inviting environment - one you want to savor and share with others. When we often find ourselves in one of our shops on a day off, we know we are doing something right.

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