Richard Davis, Dazzle Me Park City LLC dba Discovery Map Park City

For more information about advertising and distribution, please contact:

 Richard Davis

 Dazzle Me Park City LLC dba Discovery Map Park City

 +1 801-455-8025

Richard Davis is a Utah native and has been an active member of his community. He prides himself on living through his core values of integrity, honesty, accountability, and service, and has been volunteering his time at the Food Bank for years. He is also an active sneakerhead and enjoys spending time searching through the racks at retail stores for deals.


He first discovered Park City in his adolescent years by spending time with his grandparents in their condo. He loved the city because he could enjoy skiing, snowmobiling, golfing and hiking. Later, Richard worked at an advertising company. In this job, he would visit all the hotels in Utah. He was continually asked the same question by front desk agents and concierges: “Do you have a map we can pass out?” By chance, he was then asked to deliver the Park City Discovery Map. After delivering it, Richard decided to purchase the Map and provide Park City tourists with a snapshot of all his favorite local businesses.


Richard has one son and currently lives in Salt Lake City. 

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