The Niagara Power Vista is where science meets the playground—an exciting, interactive adventure from the New York Power Authority designed for inquisitive minds of all ages. You will understand electricity through the eyes of pioneers like Nikolai Tesla and Thomas Edison as well as modern-day scientists. Experience what it was like to build one of the largest hydro plants and then see how it provides power to the world’s largest machine—the U.S. electrical grid.

For guest safety and security, we provide exterior views, 3D animations and high definition video of the plant’s generating equipment rather than visits to interior operating areas. Giant screens also let you experience the majesty and power of Niagara Falls, which sparked the idea to make power here.

Then hold on tight after taking a seat in the state-of-the-art 4-D theatre. You’ll feel the transformation from water to hydroelectricity as you fall through the clouds, race through penstocks and zip through the transmission lines across New York.

Think you have the right stuff to power homes and businesses? Our simulated challenges give you the chance to build a dam, operate a power plant and control the state’s transmission network. Talk about power! And if that doesn’t make your hair stand on end, the Van de Graaff generator will. You’ll be charged up as you experience the effect of high volts without the jolts. Now that’s a picture!

The fun doesn’t end when you leave. Your photos, scores and experiences are stored on your personalized Power Player RFID card like the ones used at theme parks and rock concerts. You can pull them up later on your smart phone or home computer. Who has the power? You do!


The fishing facilities, including the fishing pier at the base of the Power Plant, lower parking area are open for the season dawn to dusk weather permitting. For info on the fishing pier, please call (716) 286-6662


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