Dry Falls Brewing Co. started out as a dream between father and son while sitting in a brewery on family vacation. Romanticizing the idea while drinking a flight of twenty-four different brews, Jeff and Evan found their next father/son hobby. Jeff took to idea first brewing extract kit beers with a co-worker. After the first brew day, Jeff was hooked. He called his son and they talked at great length about starting to brew as a hobby. They dove into books on brewing and purchased homebrewing equipment. They decided to brew full grain, just like the pros!

In 2015 Evan’s mother finally pushed her boys in the direction they needed. She gave the ultimatum “Do it, or stop talking about it.” In August 2016, Dry Falls Brewing Co. was founded and later purchased the Kanuga Rd location. They saw the old body shop for what is could be; a great place for a brewery. Prost!

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