Vermont Law and Graduate School

A Place for Change

Graduates of Vermont Law and Graduate School walk the talk throughout Vermont and across the U.S. and in 20 countries across the globe.

They take what they've learned in South Royalton and speak truth to power.

They are creative, disruptive change agents who go into public and nonprofit sectors at nearly twice the national law school average, who see a law degree as the start not only of constructive careers but of meaningful lives.

They are committed, often altruistic, sometimes outraged, and resolute.

They defend, litigate, and advocate on behalf of battered women and neglected children; on behalf of wetlands and clean air and threatened habitats; on behalf of new immigrants and low-wage workers; on behalf of policies that are just. 

At rallies and protests, public hearings, information sessions, organizational meetings, school board meetings, food banks, in front of lawmakers and judges and behind the scenes: they show up.

In matters of truth and principle: they stand up.

As a grateful client of one VLGS-trained attorney said, "You think one person can't make a difference? One person made all the difference."


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