In 2012, having worked tirelessly for 20+ years in technology, Monica Alvarado took a brief sabbatical from the corporate world. It was during this time that she rediscovered her passion for cooking and began a blog that was focused on making delicious food using local ingredients. The blog provided an outlet for her to share her recipes, as well as interview local farmers and vendors in the Annapolis area. Over time, she realized that the time she spent in the kitchen was far more fulfilling than the time she spent in boardrooms.

A reformed corporate rock star and Air Force veteran, Monica left her 22 year career in technology in 2016 to start Bread and Butter Kitchen with the vision of sharing her passion for making amazing food that celebrates local ingredients. Monica works closely with local farmers and vendors to source the best ingredients available. She and her amazing team serve up great food 7 days a week at the cafe. Swing in for breakfast or lunch and be sure to say hello.

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